Law firm for victims in Marseille
Our Law Firm is specialized in defending victims of a bodily or personal injury resulting of accident of all kind or medical malpractice. We are a well established French Law Firm having a large experience in dealing with Foreign victims’ cases, or French citizens injured in a Foreign country.
He has also chosen a method of exercise that allows him to ensure personal and full involvement in the cases he agrees to defend.
The LELIEVRE & SAINT-PIERRE lawyer firm believes that the victim entrusting his file to a lawyer in particular should be able to be assured that this lawyer will treat him personally. Only at this price will the lawyer be able to fully and optimally defend the interests of his client.
In addition, LELIEVRE & SAINT-PIERRE lawyer firm is a member of ANADAVI, (National Association of Lawyers for Victims of Bodily Injury). This association brings together specialized lawyers, competent in both liability law and compensation for bodily injury and who undertake to defend only victims.
Lawyer specializing in the defense of victims of traffic accidents and medical errors
Holder of Master Degree in Health Law / Private Law Ph.D, Me SAINT-PIERRE immediately oriented his practice in this area of specialization. He practiced for several years in a national law firm specializing in the defense of victims of traffic accidents and medical errors. In 2010, he created his own firm, specializing in the same field.
Experienced, responsive and competent
Me Louis SAINT-PIERRE offers his advice and defense services exclusively to victims. It was originally a choice, which practice has only confirmed. And which constitutes a pledge that the intervention is free from any intellectual and financial constraints regarding to insurance companies, and free from any conflict of interest.
Lawyer since 2002, Me Louis SAINT-PIERRE works exclusively with clients who are victims of medical errors and accidents resulting in bodily injury.
He was also one of the very first lawyers of the Marseille Bar to obtain the certificate of specialization in personal injury law.
Me SAINT-PIERRE has intervened over the years in various university conferences on health law.
He taught for several years at the University of Aix-Marseille III, in addition to writing a column on personal injury law and liability in a legal journal.
In addition, he completed his training by following the courses of the Inter-University Diploma (DIU) Head trauma in children and adolescents, Shaken baby syndrome.
In 2019, he was the first Lawyer to obtain the University Diploma in Equipment for People with Disabilities. This diploma was issued by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Aix-Marseille.
Lawyer at the Marseille Bar, Me SAINT-PIERRE is also a member of the Quebec Bar, and speaks fluent English.
Diplomas and qualifications:
Lawyer specializing in the defense of victims of medical accidents
In 2003, Me Martine LELIEVRE-BOUCHARAT joined a specialized law firm in which she acquired solid experience, particularly in the defense of victims of medical accidents.
Accessible, determined and combative
She was sworn in in 2004 and the same year spent the IUD treating cranio-cerebral traumas.
Me LELIEVRE-BOUCHARAT intervenes on several occasions in the conferences of the Conversations of Aix dedicated to the subjects relating to head trauma, in a multidisciplinary approach. She measures the importance of combining medical, social, rehabilitation and occupational therapists skills in the service of victims. From her university background, she kept the taste for training and a for many years of coursework in the child brain injury IUD.
In 2017, with Maître Louis SAINT-PIERRE, she created a firm on a human scale, the law firm for victims of LELIEVRE & SAINT-PIERRE in Marseille. With a desire for personalized support, and both concerned with ensuring that their customers are listened to quality, they ensure personal follow-up of each file.
Lawyer specializing in personal injury law, Me LELIEVRE-BOUCHARAT has obtained the specific qualification in medical liability.
Victims lawyer: a privilege
Of all the possible specializations of a lawyer, none is as rich and humanly demanding as the practice of personal injury compensation.
The choice to intervene exclusively on the side of victims requires a natural empathy, availability and constant listening skills on the part of the lawyer, while observing a certain distance necessary to maintain the objectivity of the legal advice he will provide.
It is obvious: the quality of handling of the case, and of the representation that will be made by the lawyer, can only be a reflection of the information and resentment that will have been given by the client during the discussions.
LELIEVRE & SAINT-PIERRE lawyers had the privilege of supporting, advising and defending victims of bodily injury for over 10 years.
It is indeed a privilege, because it is about helping to rebuild shattered lives.
Victims or families of victims consult a lawyer when they are very often in a state of disarray requiring a high degree of involvement and competence at all times.
The work provided by the lawyer and the quality of the follow-up of the case will often contribute to the morale of the victim and, in any case, to the quality of the reconstruction of his life.